Member-only story
Pulling the Trigger on Your Triggers
What it means to be triggered, and how to heal it.
No one can make you feel a certain way, but they most certainly can trigger you.
We’ve been hearing this a lot lately, that you, and only you, are responsible for how you feel. And it’s absolutely true — there’s no way someone else can make the chemical concoction of your emotions inside of your body for you and release it at just the right time. Only you have the power to do that.
When someone triggers us, we often blame them. Perhaps we’ve been conditioned to put responsibility outside of ourselves, blaming the world, other people, the wretched state of our miserable lives for our unhappiness or bitterness, or whatever. It’s never our fault — we’re the victims to society, our social class, our genetics, our government, our health, our money (or the lack thereof), and a slew of other things that keep us feeling down and out, uninspired, and disempowered.
All the while, we neglect to be honest with ourselves and reflect how our actions, words, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have been perpetuating this pain-cycle, feeding the energy of these triggers so they become unconscious autopilot reactions, at the ready to explode, should someone trip the wire.