Energy Update for the Week of July 15th, 2024

How to use the lessons from retrograde

Katie Cavenagh
3 min readJul 15, 2024
Image from Canva

With both Saturn and Neptune in retrograde, plus the full moon coming up on the 21st, we might be feeling a little overwhelmed with ourselves and the changes we’re making.

And this isn’t because the universe is hating on us, it’s because we have to acknowledge who we’ve been up to this point. In order to move forward with life, we have to let our old selves go. Even if we are scared about what might come next, it’s a necessity for our growth, and these retrogrades are giving us a big opportunity for introspection.

After all, the karmic lessons from Saturn and the physicality of Neptune are making these opportunities fairly easy to see. A lot of old dirt is getting kicked up, and regardless if we thought we healed it, there’s still golden nuggets we can pick up.

Remember, each time we come back through a cycle, we can see it from a new perspective. So, if you’re repeating a pattern that you’re now aware of, instead of falling back into it, get curious about it.

Ask yourself:

  • What can I learn from this?
  • Where is this experience pointing to pain/fear I am holding?
  • How is the pain/fear/experience helping me grow?



Katie Cavenagh

Spiritual coach, energy healer, and writer with a goal of inspiring change and awareness within human consciousness.